Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hello, my name is Elsa and I'm going to teach you what astronomy is and what it was used for long ago.

In ancient times clocks and calenders didn't exist, so people would have to see the way shadows were pointing like we use compasses, clocks and calenders to tell what time it is and what direction we are going.

Today, me and my mom did a science experiment to tell time like ancient people. The experiment is: You take a big piece of paper and a ball of clay. Put the paper in the sun outside and put the clay in the middle of the piece of paper. Poke a long stick in the clay so it stands up. Then grab a compass. The shadow should point in the same direction as the N on the compass. This must be done at noon to one o'clock. When we tried it worked perfectly. Later on at night we went outside to try to see the Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper told people from ancient times what season it was because of how it changes in the sky. Right now in September it stands upright.

The first astronomers name was ptolemy, he believed that the moon, sun and stars circled the Earth and that the Earth stood still. The second was Galileo, he invented the first telescope using lenses. The third astronomer was Isaac Newton, he invented a telescope using mirrors instead of lenses.

Well it was fun writing about astronomy. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Short Story: Zoey in the Forest

Once upon a time there lived a ten year old girl named Zoey Linter. She had eyes a foggy yellow, very pale pink lips and bright orange hair. Today she wore a pink shirt with a picture of a turquoise cat on it. Her pants, as usual, were a funny color like a greyish pink .

One night she stayed the night at her grandma’s house, which always had all sorts of books and things . She always ended up taking something home to study , maybe a rock , maybe a trophy , just like the one she found tonight with the initials M.S. ‘Grandma’ Zoey yelled from upstairs . Her grandma came upstairs. “ Whats this “

‘ It ‘s the Strider Bother’s father’s trophy he won before his boys died.’

“Who are the Strider Brothers?” said Zoey

“They lived in a mansion on Strider lane named after them. There were three brothers and they died mysteriously in a forest.”

Then they decided to take a night time walk, and her grandma took her to the last place she would EVER want to go.

“Grandma are you crazy ? Are you nuts ? You’re going to take me strate down the middle of the forest of screams?”Zoey yelled. But it was no use, her grandma just kept going.

When they got inside the forest , many strange beasts would pass by that nobody knew existed . “In this forest there is an animal called a ninya and it eats people. this, is a ninya cave” said her her grandma pointing to a small dark cave. And these , said her grandmother, are the skeletons of the Strider Brothers , now do you understand ? “

“Yes I do , The ninya ate the Strider Brothers “ said Zoey.

“Come we must go now “said her grandma.

“Lets get out of here “ said Zoey.And Zoey ran out of the forest as fast as she could through the trees. Then when Zoey got out of the forest she realized :

“Oh my dear grandmother you’re not with me. Where could you be?”said Zoey.

“Help HELP!”yelled her grandma. Zoey ran back into the forest as fast as she could until she found her grandmother half unconscious laying on the ground “I’ve injured my leg ,” her grandmother said.

Then Zoey called the ambulance.

Zoey stayed with her grandpa instead, the next morning her grandpa took her home
After that her grandma’s leg healed and they NEVER NEVER NEVER went into the forest EVER again.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Biographical Essay: Charlie Chaplin's Career

Charlie Chaplin was one of the most famous movie stars in the world. He acted in over 100 silent films.

When Charlie was 14 he got his first chance to act in a real stage show as Billy the page boy in a play called " Sherlock Holmes." Then started his career in Vaudaville, which eventually took him to America. Then things got better and better. he was offered a motion picture contract. he agreed. He was paid one hundred fiftey Dollars a week. Then he got another job doing the same thing. Then his brother Sidney Chaplin took his place in the job he had had before.

At his new acting job he acted in a lot of movies like "The Florewalker," "The Fireman," "The Vagabond," "One AM," "The Count," "The Pawnshop," "Behind the Screen," "Easy Street," and "The Cure."

Then Charlie Chaplin wanted more Freedom in his acting and started making his own movies and acting in them. The first film he wrote was "A Dogs life." Also he wrote a movie called "The Bond," both released in 1919.

Charlie Chaplin died christmas day 1977.

Charlie Chaplin acted in movies until he was very old, and married 18 year old Oona o'Niel. His last movie was "A countess in hong Kong."

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hello Everyone

I am going to write reports and draw pictures and then post them here. You will tell me if it is good. Also you can tell me if there is a way I can improve. thank you for reading.