Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elsa's excellent drawing of A.J.
Andrew Jackson was our 7th president. He was most famous in his presidency for his battle with the bank to get money for the country. This was the bank of the U.S.A. He finally won. People had real money. His presidency ended well and he is still remembered often today.
            He was born march 15, 1767. When he was 13 he joined the American Revolution as a message carrier. He had a very terrible experience there, his brother died while fighting in the battle, and his mother died while helping American prisoners. He got a scar on his forehead because he refused to shine the shoes of a British officer. He would always hate the British because of these experiences.
            When he was a young man he became a country lawyer on frontier land in Tennessee. He then became the leader of a militia, also called a citizen’s army.  He  fought VERY HORIBBLE fights with the Indians. His nickname was Old Hickory because he was skinny and tough like a piece of hickory wood.
            The battle of 1812 was when the British invaded the country again, and Andrew fought them off this time also. The British were better trained and had better weapons but Andrew’s army won. Over 2000 British were killed but only 13 Americans were killed. Winning this battle is probably the thing he’s most famous for.
            He went on to be a very popular president, in fact he was so popular that they put his picture on the 20 dollar bill. He was also the first president anyone tried to assassinate. He would fight duels if anyone insulted his wife’s honor.
            He died at age 78 in 1845.


  1. Hi Elsa,

    This is a good biography! I wonder, why did the British invade America again after the Revolutionary War?

  2. Elsa, your writing is phenemenal and the drawing is fantastic! Your sentences are well developed and very interesting. You included many details and gave good information about Andrew's life and his contribution.
    Great job!

  3. Dear Casey,
    That was a hard question, it was so hard that the computer didn't even know it. The best answer that we came up with is that the British wouldn't let America be it's own country so the Americans got mad and fought.
    I hope I see you soon.

  4. Dear Linda,
    I'm so glad you commented! There's only one other comment so I guess not everyone is commenting like I told them to, but you are! I'm so glad you liked it. See you tomorrow!

  5. Hi Elsa, I just got caught up on essays. It was very fun to read a few in a row. I learn something every time! Keep up the great work!
    Love, Kerry

  6. why declare war on England in 1812? As i recall, the Brits were arming and encourageing American Indian tribes to fight against America's westward expansion, also, the Brits were stealing our merchant sailors and using them in the royal navy in their war with France, but i think the biggest reason was the British trade restrictions and embargos against U.S. exports and imports. pop pop

  7. Hello Elsa,
    Good job, another thought provoking essay and a great drawing of "old hickory". Pop Pop and I did not receive this essay, but went onto your blog today to find it. Check to see if we are on your e-mail list. We are so proud of your essays. Love, Nana

  8. Dear Nana,
    Strange you didn't get the essay. I wonder if we forgot you on the email list. That would be funny of us (we wouldn't have meant to). We might have.

    well see you Tuesday.

  9. Dear Pop pop,
    Thank you For your information. We've been trying to sort that out.
    See you Tuesday.

  10. Dear Kerry.
    I'm Glad you read them and liked them. Thank you so much.
    See you soon.
