Monday, November 7, 2011

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura as a very old woman (on top)
and Laura as very young woman.
Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many great books about her childhood. She was raised on the American prairie as a pioneer girl. She had a sister named Mary that was two years older than her. She and her sister called their parents Ma and Pa as nick names for their real names, Caroline and Charles. 
 Laura and her family moved and moved to many different places until they came to a happy home where her little sister was born. Ma and Pa named her new sister Carrie. The family soon moved to a little house that Pa  had built, with yellow pine boards, glass windows, and china doorknobs. Laura had never seen such a fine house. But In the summer grasshoppers invaded the land and ate the wheat. Then more trouble followed. Laura's baby brother Freddie died soon after he was born because Pa couldn't take care of  him without money. But even so they were cheered by the sweet melody of Pa's fiddle. The family had to move many times afterward.

 One winter Mary caught a fever and lost eyesight. Laura had to make pictures in words to tell Mary what she would see if she hadn't caught the fever.
Finally, they  moved to a place called De Smet. Pa promised Ma they would not have to move again.

As a young woman Laura became a teacher and married a man named Almanzo Wilder  in 1885.  (She called this man Manly.) A year later their daughter, Rose, was born.

When Laura was much older and Rose was an adult and a newspaper reporter, Laura needed something to do, so she told her daughter to edit her first story of her childhood. Rose agreed and so, in 1932 Laura's first book Little House in the Big woods was published. She wrote seven more books about her childhood. Laura's books were very famous and well written.

Laura Ingalls Wilder died at the age of ninety in 1957. She once said she wrote her books because,"I want children now to understand more about the beginnings of things, to know what is behind the things they see, what it is that made America as they Know it."


  1. Great essay Elsa! I don't quite get how lil Freddy died. Can I borrow your little house book to read when I'm up next?
    Love, Auntie Jenny
    PS let me know which harry potter to bring!

  2. Hi Elsa,
    We are learning so much from your essays. Laura Ingalls sure had some difficult things happen in her childhood, especially her little brother's death. And she lived to be so old. Good storytelling, I love the quote at the end of your essay. Love, Nana

  3. Love the essay about Laura Ingalls, have you seen any episodes of 'Little House On The Prairie"? Let's watch it together sometime, I used to watch them when I was your age. My favorite episode is when Pa takes Laura & Freddy (I think it was freddy) to California ( really close to where you were born) to see the ocean for the first time before Freddy dies. So sad, but so good. Love, aunt Shi Shi:)

  4. Hi Elsa,
    Love your stories! I wanted to let u know the correct spelling of Chrislyn's name, she's Chrislyn Marie Evelyn w/ her 2 grandma's names. Give little Evelyn kisses and hugs from us. We love you both. Keep sending the stories and please let me know if u got this, I don't think you're getting my posts. Thanks luv. Aunt Berni

  5. Dear Berni,
    I have been getting your posts. Thanks for the correct spelling of Chrislyn's name. I was a little confused. Well I hope you check out my blog again to see this comment an my next post.

  6. good story Elsa. that's so sad that little Freddy died as a baby. this is my first time being on my and your blog for a while. Keep up the good work.


  7. check out my blog!!!!!! I tyeped in my story!!!!!

